Children’s Ministry at First Baptist Church of Moultrie provides a bible-based, age-appropriate community for children ages birth-5th grade. We invite every child into God’s story, showing and sharing the love of Christ with them from the day they first join us. Our desire is to support the ministering of each family member God has given you, assisting in laying a spiritual foundation to lead your child into a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Kidz Connect
Infants – 5th Grade
Sunday Mornings during 9:15AM Connect Groups
Age-appropriate offerings from Bible Studies For Life

KIDZ Worship
4yrs – 2nd Grade
Sunday Mornings during 10:30AM Worship
Children are dismissed from the 10:30AM Worship Service during fellowship time to attend
3rd Grade and up stay in the adult Worship Service in the sanctuary*

KIDZ Weeknight
3 yrs – 5th Grade
Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30PM

Parenting Resources
Our desire is to help equip parents to be the primary disciple-makers of their children. God has uniquely positioned and called parents to train up their children in the ways of the Lord for their good and His glory.
Below you’ll find a variety of resources that may help you in raising your child to walk with Christ.
Christianity Today: The Christian parenting website from Christianity Parenting Today is a great resource for articles on parenting.
Focus on the Family: Focus on the Family remains the leading Christian parenting website. They offer guides on child development, health and safety, discipline, and parenting stages. Their daily radio program is a virtual seminar on Christian parenting. Christian Parenting at is a great resource for articles about Christian parenting. You can even subscribe to their RSS feed.