Why YOU should visit FBC Moultrie
God placed you here at this very moment in this very place for a purpose. It was no accident. We also believe that we were placed here in Moultrie for a purpose:
to make disciples and glorify God in Moultrie and around the world.
Whether you are exploring who Jesus is or are already a believer searching for a place to be connected to God, other believers, and a purpose, we would be honored to have you as a guest.

What to expect when you visit

Meeting Times:
Worship @ 8:15AM
Connect Groups @ 9:15AM
Worship @ 10:30AM
Adult Choir Practice, First Kidz, Pursuit Youth, & Bible Study Class @ 6:00PM
Prayer Meeting @ 6:15PM

What To Wear:
Come as you are.
At FBC Moultrie, you will see people in t-shirts and blue jeans to suits and dresses.
We want you to come however you feel comfortable.

Where To Park:
Our south parking lot, located just across 5th Ave, is the most convenient parking location for visitors, especially those with children.
We also have several handicapped parking spaces lining our building along 1st Street SW.

Special Note to PARENTS:
Classes are available for infants through 12th grade that meet for the duration of our Adult Connect Group time.
sunday MORNING worship (during 10:30AM Service)
Childcare is available for the entirety of our worship service.
4yo-2nd grade:
Join us for worship in the sanctuary and are dismissed for Children’s Church during our welcome time.
3rd grade and up:
Remain with us for the entirety of our AM worship service in the sanctuary.
Where We're Located:
We are located at 400 S Main Street in Moultrie, Georgia. Below is a simple map that shows our relation to the courthouse. The map on the right will take you to Google Maps for more detailed directions.