Our Purpose
In all that we do, our desire is to see lives transformed, connected to other believers, and filled with the love of Christ, all for the purpose of glorifying God and making disciples in Moultrie, GA and around the world
That sounds great doesn’t it, but the fact is that this statement probably leaves you with a few questions.
Q: So, what exactly is a disciple?
A: Simple answer is a disciple is a follower of Christ.
Jesus said that His followers must be willing to
- Deny himself (that is turn from our old ways)
- Take up his cross (that involves sacrifice for the sake of Christ)
- Follow me (that means we must desire to learn Christ’s teachings and try to live by them)
“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” – Luke 9:23
Q: Self denial and sacrifice, those aren’t really strong selling points for following Christ, why exactly should I be willing follow Him?
A: Doing things our way doesn’t lead to lasting happiness. We were created for a purpose. That purpose is a relationship with our creator, God. Our relationship with God is broken by sin, but God has given us a way to be restored to Him, through Jesus Christ. While self denial and sacrifice might not sound appealing to our sin nature, the truth is that through turning from self and following Christ we find true happiness and find our true purpose:
Q: That is great and all, but what does it look like to follow Christ and do I really have to go to church to follow Christ?
A: That is a great question and one that many followers of Christ have difficulty understanding. At FBC Moultrie, we use something we call The Portrait of a Disciple from Romans 12 to help give a clear picture of what it looks like to be a disciple of Christ. Check it out:

Our Story
In 1876, The Mercer Association of the Georgia Baptist Convention employed a missionary to go into the large and primitive areas of South Georgia to establish new congregations. First Baptist Church was organized as the Moultrie Missionary Baptist Church on May 30, 1880 with a total of nine members. As most church beginnings in the time, they first met under a brush arbor. They soon called their first pastor and erected a very crude, small, one-room church house in the area between where Lazarus and Southwest Georgia Bank is now, close to the current pocket park.
With the addition of the railroad in 1894, Moultrie’s growth boomed. Moultrie Baptist Church built a much more substantial and larger church near where Mim’s Paint & Dustmade is now. It included a steeple and a baptistry. The congregation continued to grow as Moultrie grew. Soon, the need for a larger church was realized and in 1905, a beautiful church building was constructed on the grounds where the old Ameris Bank and parking are located off 2nd Ave SE. At some point in these years, the church became known as First Baptist Church, Moultrie, GA.
We have been located at 400 South Main Street since 1955. Today, we are a multi-generational church with outreach and discipleship programs for all ages. The Lord has blessed our fellowship with talented volunteers and staff that ensure that FBC Moultrie is the type of church where disciples of Christ of any age can connect with their church family and grow in their faith, through both learning and application. If we are to continue our long history of ministry in Moultrie, we must continue to strive to proclaim biblical truth while adapting to an ever-changing world. Together, we push forward with the goal of glorifying God through making disciples in Moultrie, GA and around the world. Come be a part of what God is doing and will continue to do at FBC Moultrie.